Fast Company: Tech Giants Team Up To Devise An Ethics Of Artificial Intelligence

Tech Giants Team Up To Devise An Ethics Of Artificial Intelligence
Fast Company

Amazon, Facebook, Google DeepMind, IBM, and Microsoft announced the Partnership on AI, which will research ways to use the tech responsibly. The Terminator isn’t arriving anytime soon, but concern is growing that artificial intelligence is already so pervasive in society—and getting more so all the time—that there needs to be more focus on how it’s being used and potentially misused (even if by accident). Read the full story

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1redDrop: IBM Unveils Industry’s First “AI-Powered Decision-Making” Tool, Project DataWorks

IBM Unveils Industry’s First “AI-Powered Decision-Making” Tool, Project DataWorks

IBM yesterday announced the launch of “Project DataWorks”, part of its Watson initiative that aims to exploit artificial intelligence to help businesses and data professionals in the decision-making process. Technology has made is easier to collect, organize and store data about every single action we take. Businesses these days can generate tons of data points… Read the full story

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MIT Technology Review: I Saw Alphabet’s Health Watch

I Saw Alphabet’s Health Watch
MIT Technology Review

Alphabet’s health spin-off Verily is a little like Santa’s factory a month before Christmas. Its labs are full of promising ideas not quite ready for delivery. These include a glucose-sensing contact lens, a cancer-detecting wrist band, and a big study of what it means to be healthy. However, during a visit to Mountain View-based Verily last week, I became the first journalist (that I know of) to see a prototype of the company’s health-tracking watch. Not only is the watch real, but Verily has Read the full story

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